Blessing for Change
by Katie Short, on the occasion of Hannah Elson’s high school graduation, and for all those facing new paths.
Blessed be the steps taken on your journey, wherever they may lead. Bless those steps long since covered with age, whether straight to this goal, or winding to this place and time. May you gather your future from all corners of a vast universe.
Blessed be the earth that falls under your feet. May it bring strength when the path is long, and provide a firm place for you to build a new life. May its energy sustain you in closing what is past, and create a solid path as you find your future.
Blessed be the water, that vital source of being. Seek wisdom in its silent power. May renewed imagination and the thrill of possibility flow from the oceans, and the joy of discovery trickle from every rill.
Blessed be the fire that lights your way. The flame which brings passion for knowledge, stirs the embers of hope, and burns bright with accomplishment. May it ignite your soul with warmth and compassion, and may you harness its energy in love and joy.
Blessed be the wind, the air that surrounds and sustains you. Blessed these forces that bring change, and the gentle breezes where you find peace. May it be.
Copyright Katherine Short, 2017