What is Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching?

A personal coach is, at the core, a person who helps you meet your goals. Like an athletic coach in your chosen sport, a personal coach will offer suggestions for improvement. A coach is motivation, information, inspiration, and support. But the Prayana Method goes a step further.

See, just giving suggestions isn’t enough when you are trying to live a full life. Just about anyone can say “eat better and you’ll lose weight”, or “you need to get more exercise.” You know those things. You’ve picked up a book or magazine, or been online, sometime in the last fifty years or so.  I’m guessing.

I look at your whole life – your individual, messy, unique, beautiful life. We look at your goals, together, and find areas of opportunity for you to make small changes that can add up. If you don’t even have goals, but want to begin a journey of whole life wellness, I can help you find focus and set goals that work for you and your life.

Sometimes, this will mean you need a text message in the morning to hold you accountable to get to your yoga class. It might mean going to a class with you, or helping you learn to shop for healthier foods. I help to shine the light on the changes you want to make, then support you as you learn and grow.

I’m not here to tell you the “right” way to live, but to help you live what is right for you.

Wellness isn’t just about your physical health, or even your physical and mental health. Your whole life affects your wellness, and your overall wellness affects your whole life. Let’s work together to find the life you want to create!