What is a Sound Bath?

Discover what a Sound Bath is, and what it can do for you!

A sound bath is a healing and relaxation technique during which participants are “bathed” in sound. Participants are typically fully clothed, and no water bathing is involved! Various instruments are used to produce specific sounds, chosen to bring clearing, peace, or energy to the clients.

What Instruments Are Used?

Almost any instrument can be used as part of a sound bath experience. The human voice is common, as are singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes, and bells. Occasionally animal voices are included, as are harps, organs, and a whole host of electronic devices. Sounds and music may be recorded or played live, and are frequently a mix of both. While live sound may seem preferable, including recorded pieces can help bolster a solo artist or ensure thorough sound saturation in a large space.

Will I Have to Perform or Play?

Absolutely not! If chanting is included, it may help you reap all the benefits of your sound bath if you participate, as discussed in this article from Buddha Weekly – don’t worry, it’s about the science, not promoting Buddhism. But the instructor, leader, or guide will usually play any live music. These instruments may seem simple, but using them just right to produce the intended tones does require some know-how. Your “job” will be to relax, to listen with an open mind, and to maybe move into some restorative yoga positions, depending on the session.

Traditional Gong with Mallet

What Do I Wear?

Something comfortable! Sound bath require little or no movement or effort on the part of the participants, so your best fitness gear isn’t necessary. Since you will be lying still for most or all of the experience, you may wish to dress in layers – whether it’s just cold in the winter, or the air conditioning kicks on and blows on you in the summer, layers can help. (Prior to COVID, I would have suggested that most indoor sound bath locations would have blankets to offer. With mandates causing changes to how we operate, many studios may not have those options available. You should always feel free to bring your own blanket!)

What Should I Bring?

Yourself. Maybe some water if you like to have it handy.

(As above, COVID has brought different rules. Please bring your own yoga or fitness mat. If you do not have one, a folded blanket can be substituted. Call ahead to see if items like bolsters or blocks will be provided. If not, you should be made to feel free to bring your own IF you have them. They are not necessary at all, but can aid in your comfort. Rules about shared food have curtailed some of the infused waters or teas that might have previously been made available, so bringing your own water is probably a plus.)

One of many styles of bells that may be used in sound baths

Is A Sound Bath a Religious Ritual?

Nope! OK, let me back up. Sound baths, in general, have a history all over the globe. A sound bath is not inherently linked to ANY specific religious or spiritual path.

With that said, religion can be part of a sound bath. A Christian church may offer a sound bath with a focus on listening for inspiration from God. A Buddhist temple may offer sound baths that bring focus to mindfulness or another part of spirituality. someone with a Hindu background (or many others) may include ideas of chakras as energy points.

Unless you have requested otherwise, a Prayana sound bath will not be connected to religion. We may reference energy points, but those are physical places on the body with which sound resonates. Meditation will be referenced, but may always be replaced with prayer if that is what your path indicates.

Because of this, I know of no specific path that is violated by attending a non-religious sound bath. While many religious systems tend to eschew different forms of energy healing, sound baths use physical sound waves, just as an herbalist uses physical plants. You are encouraged to have your religious leader contact us directly with any concerns. Open communications allows for full understanding for everyone, including us!

OK, But What Is The Point?

The point is physical relaxation, mental detox, and lasting increases in mood, deep sleep, and mental clarity. Sound baths include the benefits of a normal meditation practice, and kick it up a little, if you will. The music, instruments, or voice add a physical dimension, seemingly causing the body to find peace, even if the participant is not meditating, or is sleeping!

Seriously? I Don’t Buy That.

You are not alone. In fact, a few short years ago, I’d have said the same thing! And some scientists thought so, too. Turns out, lots of studies have been done on the matter.

Sound comes from sound waves. Sound waves are physical vibrations of particles. We usually think of sound waves as vibrations that occur through particles of air, though they can move through all kinds of media. The vibrations occur in a pattern that, when graphed, looks like a wave.

Bear with me – I’m getting there!

These waves stimulate your mind and body in specific ways, depending on both the frequency of the sound wave and its combination with other waves. A specific chord on the piano may sound very pleasant, unless a single note is added to make it spooky, clashing, or sad. Sound baths are similar, in that specific sounds are used to stimulate both body and mind.

A much longer and more science-y explanation can be found in this well-written article from Fair Observer.

Tuning Fork shown with Brass Singing Bowl

Is It Worth My Time?

I happen to think so, but you can find lots of different experiences online. Some are super-positive, while some bloggers hated every minute. Almost all of them say that giving it a try was worth it in the end, because even something that doesn’t work for you can help you discover what CAN!

If you discover sound isn’t your thing, talk to your coach! This is really important information as we work to find your path with you. Tactile (touch) meditation, movement meditation, Reiki, tapping, recitation, and loads of other options for wellness and healing are available to you. So try a sound bath when you get the chance, and let your coach know what you think!

Use Music to Modulate Negative Emotions

Most people have used music to modulate emotion. Specific songs or musical works may help you feel calm, evoke joy, or bring deep peace. Many people also listen to music that matches their negative emotion, hoping to let out the anger or find empathy in their despair. But does it work? Or can listening to angry music just make you more angry? Turns out, there’s more than one right answer!

How We Listen

When it comes to using music to modulate negative emotions, there are three types of listening. The way that you listen can make a big difference in how the listening impacts your emotions! Take a look at these three ways individuals use that sweet combination of melody, harmony, and rhythm as they attempt to work through sadness, anxiety, depression, and anger:


“Solace” is when you use music that matches your emotional state. This is listening to sad songs when you’re feeling sad, and “just need a good cry”. You may listen to songs about depression when you are depressed, so that you feel less alone or better understood. This type of listening may help you feel supported, accepted, and slightly more in control of your emotions.


“Diversion” is what happens when you’re sad, but listen to happy music to help pull you out of a funk. Some people with anxiety successfully use this type of listening to assist in pulling themselves out of particularly bad moments or anxiety attacks. This type of listening may look a lot like playing your favorite song or songs over and over until you feel better.


“Discharge” is listening to music that matches your emotion, in hopes of better letting go of that emotion. This may look like an angry person cranking up some Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, or Linkin Park. It may look like a sad person drowning themselves in break-up songs, but wallowing rather than becoming empowered like one would if they were listening for Solace.

The Study

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience published a study called “Maladaptive and adaptive emotion regulation through music: a behavioral and neuroimaging study of males and females”. Based on research by a research team at the Center for Interdisciplinary Music Research at the University of Jyväskylä, the University of Helsinki, and Aalto University in Finland. The team sought to discover whether the effects of music on a person could be both positive and negative. More specifically, they wanted to know whether music could actually harm a person’s mental health.

The researchers in this study didn’t just look at each participant’s mental health and music habits — they also looked at each participant’s neurological response to music. The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a brain imaging technique that uses blood flow to determine which areas of the brain are active. During the brain scan, the participants listened to clips of happy, sad and fearful-sounding music. I’m not going to go into detail about what parts of the brain show which things – it is all available in the linked study. But the team found something surprising!

The Findings

What did they find? The answer is sometimes “yes”! Listening to music CAN be harmful to a person’s mental health. No, this doesn’t mean your nay saying relative was right, and that rock-n-roll music will lead to the downfall of society. It doesn’t even mean that specific music is always bad for all people.

What they found was that the way in which you listen is what really matters. There was also a clear deviation between male participants and female. According to the study, men (but not women) who used the “Discharge” method of listening had higher levels of anxiety and neuroticism than women, or than participants who listened differently. In other words, venting negative emotions through music doesn’t help modulate the negative emotions. Surprisingly, it may make them worse!

How to Listen

If you’re attempting to use music as a resolution for negative emotions, or to work through them, listen carefully. As you listen ask yourself how you’re feeling, and how you think you’ll feel after this song. Or the next one. Is this music helping you to express emotion, or to feel safe and grounded? Or is this music simply feeding your rage or anxiety? Only you can know, but listening appropriately may be vital as you use music to heal. Even if you don’t intentionally turn on the playlist, check in with yourself when a song comes on the radio or Sirius. If the goal is emotional wellness, you might choose to leave the Nine Inch Nails for when you’re feeling a little less open to negative emotions.

5 Ways the Right Music Can Enhance Your Workout

You may never learn to love exercise, but you can hate it a little less or even begin to look forward to that “me time” with the help of the right music! What is the right music, and how can it help?

1. Music Makes You Feel Like Moving

Those days when you’d much rather just sit on the couch and eat brownies than put on athletic shoes or yoga pants? Music can help pull you out of that funk by making you want to move! Whether you get a few songs under your belt while you get dressed, or have something high-energy playing in your car on the way to class, by the time you begin your workout, your brain will be telling your body it’s time to get going. Continue this into your workout with an energetic track to keep you on the move.

Songs that tend to make you want to dance are best for this purpose. “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon, Capital Cities’ “Safe and Sound”, “Jump Around” by House of Pain, and “I Like it Like That” by Pete Rodriguez, are all great for dancing, but I’m sure you have your own songs you prefer as well.

2. Music Can Improve Your Mood

This 2013 Study shows that many people effectively use music choices to elevate and improve mood. For those days when you’re not inclined to exercise because you’re just feeling generally down, try using music to pick you back up!

Of course, the choice in music here is quite personal. Some prefer classical, some rock, others country or something entirely different. When using music to improve your mood, it’s more about how your listen than what you’re listening to. But all the same, if you’re choosing music with lyrics, you may want to stick to lyrics that are positive. Think something like “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors, “Perfect” by Pink, “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas, and “Happy” by Pharrell Williams are great bits of positivity to add to your playlist!

3. Music is a Good Distraction

When you’re working out, the focus needs to stay on your body. Distraction can be unsafe at worst, and keep you from your most effective workout at best. But listening to music can help distract you from your exertion just enough to help you do just a little more, or push a tiny bit harder – up to 15% on average!

Keep in mind that songs with complex instrumentation and a faster, heavier beat may give our brains more to process, meaning a slightly greater distraction. This is a good thing! Unless you’re doing yoga, in which case the deeper, slower music helps to match the movements and bring your focus to the inner self as well as the physical.

4. Music Increases Your Effort

Most humans have a natural desire to move with music. You don’t have to have been a member of a marching band to observe people’s steps becoming quicker as the music in the mall changes to something happy and upbeat. This is because the rhythm of music stimulates the motor areas of the brain, and it feels slightly “off” to walk against that rhythm. The same goes for your workout! The faster the music, the quicker your pace.

For most workouts, including walking, jogging, running, aerobic classes, and other high-intensity training, the best workout music isn’t just guesswork. It’s science, folks! Check out songs with tempos between 120 and 140 beats per minute (that’s BPM is music speak.) Jog.fm has some great lists to help you sort out what might be best for your playlist.

5. Music Can Make Exercise More Effective

Speaking of listening to music with the right tempo or beat count for your workout, there’s more! In workouts with repetitive movements like HIIT, kickboxing, weight training, or TRX, that beat is even more important. When you are able to time your movements with the beat of the music, you are able to direct more of your focus to the movement itself. Whether you know how to count measures of music, or just keep up with the “one, two” hits of a snare drum, you control your movements. This helps you make better use of those muscles, rather than going too fast. In these types of classes, control of your body is a large part of building strength, and there’s almost nothing better than well-chosen music to help!

Try starting with music in the range of 130 BPM, like “Titanium” by David Guetta feat. Sia or “Hot Blooded” by Foreigner. If that’s not the best pace for you, it’s easy to choose something a little faster or slower as needed with the jog.fm lists.

So get some music, or some better music, into your workout! It just might be as important as those new shoes or fancy weights.