Reiki: Prepare for Your Healing Session

There really isn’t anything you have to do prior to your session. We’re here to discuss some of the ways that you may prepare to get the most from Reiki. Many clients are only able to do a couple of these things, while others rush in still anxious from their workday without having given any of them a thought. That’s OK! Your Reiki will still work!

If you have the time and inclination, consider some of these beneficial ways to prepare:

Eat Something

If you are hungry, your focus is likely to be on food! Your attention is not necessary in order for Reiki to be effectively performed. But you are likely to get more from the experience if you feel as comfortable as possible. Most humans do not feel comfortable when they are hungry!

Drink Something

Preferably, drink water. Reiki can encourage your body to eliminate waste more efficiently, and you need to be hydrated for that to happen. You will likely be offered water after your session, but it’s relatively important to go hydrated.

Reiki will not stop working because you had a Pepsi instead, but maybe have a water.

Meditate or Pray

Depending on your spiritual or religious path, meditation may take many forms. You might pray for a peaceful and successful session. You might use a repeated mantra, listen to guided meditation, or take an intentional walk. The idea is to take some time to connect with your spiritual side, and with any energy, spirit, deity, or entity that helps you to feel the potential for healing.

Give Yourself Time

Allow yourself a little extra time so that you can ignore the slow car in front of you, catch the next bus, or take that far-away parking space. You may also be asked to fill out some paperwork prior to your first session, so be sure to allow for a little extra time that day!

Dress Comfortably

Reiki is performed while everyone has clothes on, unless it is performed during a massage or other procedure where it would be normal to disrobe. You may or may not be given an opportunity to remove belts, uncomfortable bras, jewelry, or binding clothing. If you are able, just go comfy!

Know Your Needs

If you haven’t had an opportunity to talk to your practitioner in advance, you will likely be given that opportunity before they begin. It’s really part of the session! It can be helpful if you are able to express your reasons for seeking Reiki healing. Your practitioner will be able to tailor their practice to specifically address certain needs.

Things you might tell your practitioner include:

  • Specific emotional issues
  • Injuries, stiffness, pain, or tension in any area
  • Recent surgeries or medical procedures
  • Concerns you may have, even if they have not been diagnosed by a medical doctor

Up Next

We’ll look at what happens during an actual Reiki session in Reiki: What to Expect

If you haven’t checked out our other articles on Reiki, be sure to click back for “What is Reiki” and “How to Find a Reiki Practitioner.”

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